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I personally have tried many homeopathic remedies and have not experienced any benefits. Therefore I have little faith in homeopathic remedies. I've also looked at homeopathic theory and it doesn't make sense to me how something can have a more potent effect the more dilute it is. Is seems contrary to all the science that I understand. In the medical scientific world, most researchers will not research homeopathic remedies. Very little research has been done because most researchers cannot see any reasonable way that homeopathy could work.

However, it's important to keep an open mind. The scientific world has been universally wrong before.  Many people report benefits from homeopathics and are staunch believers. I know some of these people and trust their observations. Therefore I would like to keep an open mind on the subject and try to be as impartial as possible and keep a record here of people's experiences with homeopathic remedies. If  you have any experiences, whatever the outcome, please pass it along to me and we'll record it here.

From Barbara (hyperT):

"I don't know if you are aware of a brilliant homeopathic tablet/drops called "Lycopus" which helps with heart palpitations and sleep at night. I wouldn't have got through without this brilliant stuff. It comes from an herb called bugleweed or gypsywort. Please let other people know about this if they are having trouble sleeping and heart palpitations at night."