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The effects of lithium therapy on thyroid and thyrotropin-releasing hormone.
Lazarus JH
Department of Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK.
Thyroid, 8(10):909-13 1998 Oct

Lithium is used in the prophylaxis of bipolar depressive disorder in augmentation treatment of depression and in the therapy of some cases of unipolar depression. Lithium affects cell function via its inhibitory action on adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), and intracellular enzymes. The inhibitory effect of lithium on inositol phospholipid metabolism affects signal transduction and may account for part of the action of the cation in manic depression. Lithium also alters the in vitro response of cultured cells to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and can stimulate DNA synthesis. Lithium is concentrated by the thyroid and inhibits thyroidal iodine uptake. It also inhibits iodotyrosine coupling, alters thyroglobulin structure, and inhibits thyroid hormone secretion. The latter effect is critical to the development of hypothyroidism and goiter. Effects on brain deiodinase enzymes and alterations in thyroid hormone receptor concentration in the hypothalamus are under investigation in relation to the therapeutic effect of lithium. The ion affects many aspects of cellular and humoral immunity in vitro and in vivo. This accounts for a rise in antithyroid antibody titer in patients having these antibodies before lithium administration whereas there is no induction of thyroid antibody synthesis de novo. Goiter, due to increased thyrotropin (TSH) after inhibition of thyroid hormone release, occurs at various reported incidence rates from 0%-60% and is smooth and nontender. Subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism due to lithium is usually associated with circulating anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies but may occur in their absence. Iodine exposure, dietary goitrogens, and immunogenetic background may all contribute to the occurrence of goiter and hypothyroidism during long-term lithium therapy. It is currently unclear whether the reported association of lithium therapy and hyperthyroidism are causal, although there is suggestive epidemiological evidence. Finally, lithium therapy is associated with exaggerated response of both TSH and prolactin to TRH in 50%-100% of patients, although basal levels are not usually high. It is probable that the hypothalamic pituitary axis adjusts to a new setting in patients receiving lithium.

Effects of lithium and carbamazepine on thyroid hormone metabolism in rat brain.
Baumgartner A; Pinna G; Hiedra L; Gaio U; Hessenius C; Campos-Barros A; Eravci M; Prengel H; Thoma R; Meinhold H
Department of Nuclear Medicine (Radiochemistry), Universit¨atsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Free University of Berlin, Germany.
Neuropsychopharmacology, 16(1):25-41 1997 Jan
The effects of lithium (LI) and carbamazepine (CBM) on thyroid hormone metabolism were investigated in 11 regions of the brain and three peripheral tissues in rats decapitated at three different times of day (4:00 A.M., 1:00 P.M., and 8:00 P.M.). Interest was focused on the changes in the two enzymes that catalyze: (1) the 5'deiodination of T4 to the biologically active T3, i.e., type II 5'deiodinase (5'D-II) and (2) the 5 (or inner-ring) deiodination of T3 to the biologically inactive 3'3-T2, i.e., type III 5 deiodinase (5D-III). A 14-day treatment with both LI and CBM induced significant reductions in 5D-III activity. However, 5'D-II activity was elevated by CBM and reduced by LI, both administered in concentrations leading to serum levels comparable with those seen in the prophylactic treatment of affective disorders. The effects were dose dependent, varied according to the region of the brain under investigation, and strongly depended on the time of death within the 24-hour rhythm. The consequences of these complex effects of LI and CBM on deiodinase activities for thyroid hormone function in the CNS and also their possible involvement in the mechanisms underlying the mood-stabilizing effects of both LI and CBM remain to be investigated.
Effects of lithium on stimulated metabolic parameters in dog thyroid slices.
Tseng FY; Pasquali D; Field JB
Diabetes Research Laboratory, St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, Houston, Texas.
Acta Endocrinol (Copenh), 121(5):615-20 1989 Nov
Thyroid abnormalities may develop during chronic lithium therapy for affective disorders. Lithium, like iodide, inhibits TSH stimulation of adenylate cyclase and thyroid hormone release. The present study examined the effect of lithium on stimulation of intrathyroidal intermediary metabolism by several agonists. LiCl (5 mmol/l) did not inhibit basal cAMP, glucose oxidation or 32P incorporation into phospholipids in dog thyroid slices. Although LiCl inhibited TSH stimulation of cAMP, it did not abolish the hormone's effect on cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The stimulation of iodide organification, glucose oxidation or 32P incorporation into phospholipids by TSH, carbachol and phorbol esters was not inhibited by lithium. This is in contrast to the effects of iodide, which inhibited stimulation of glucose oxidation and 32P incorporation into phospholipids by various agonists. Thus, although both lithium and iodide inhibited TSH-stimulated cAMP formation, they act differently on intrathyroidal intermediary metabolism.
Plasma concentrations of magnesium, lead, lithium, copper, and zinc in mentally retarded persons [published erratum appears in Am J Ment Retard 1987 Nov;92(3):271]
Bruhl HH; Foni J; Lee YH; Madow A
Am J Ment Defic, 92(1):103-11 1987 Jul
The metal magnesium and the trace elements lead, lithium, copper, and zinc were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the plasma of 107 residents with different types of mental retardation at a state institution in Minnesota. Twenty-six staff volunteers and 29 residents with psychosocial mental retardation served as control subjects. Plasma magnesium concentrations were normal in all retarded subjects. Lead and lithium concentrations were below detection levels in all retarded and nonretarded subjects. Low copper concentrations were found in the plasma of retarded dwarfs and of male microcephalic subjects. The most significant finding was hypozincemia in 49 subjects with Down syndrome of both sexes and all ages. Because this finding was limited to residents with Down syndrome, a nutritional deficiency is most unlikely. The possible etiological factors of hypozincemia in Down syndrome were discussed.
[Effect of lithium chloride on thyroid structural elements in the rat and on the balance of calcitropic hormones]
Petrov NM; Semenov VV; Glumova VA
Biull Eksp Biol Med, 99(6):711-3 1985 Jun
Chronic experiments were performed to study the effect of lithium chloride on morphological and functional characteristics of rat thyroid and on the endocrine regulation of calcium metabolism. As a result of a prolonged exposure to low doses of lithium the thyroid manifests the signs of activation of tissue structures. As the lithium dose is raised, the thyrostatic effect of lithium occurs according to the mechanism similar to the Wolff-Chaikoff effect (colloid accumulation by follicles and suppression of hormones secretion into blood). Lithium chloride stimulates calcitonin production by C cells of the thyroid. However, the increase of the basal level of calcitonin has no substantial effect on calcium metabolism in the animals, since such an increase is accompanied by increment of the production of the physiological antagonist parathyroid hormone by the secretory cells of the parathyroid glands.


[Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone secretion and calcium metabolism in patients with diffuse toxic goiter during treatment with lithium carbonate]
Petrov NM
Probl Endokrinol (Mosk), 30(1):22-6 1984 Jan-Feb
Seventy-six patients (6 males and 70 females) with diffuse toxic goiter, stages I-II, received lithium carbonate as a thyrostatic drug. The drug dose ranged from 900 to 1500 g depending on the degree of the disease clinical symptoms. The treatment with lithium lasted 45 days. Before drug administration and on days 7, 15, 30 and 45 of treatment the content of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and calcitonin was measured in the thyroid, that of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in the parathyroid gland, and that of thyrotropic hormone (TTH) in the pituitary. The concentration of ionized calcium in the serum, calcium excretion with urine, and tubular calcium reabsorption were measured concurrently. In patients with diffuse toxic goiter treated with lithium, calcium excretion with urine substantially reduced, whereas tubular reabsorption of calcium and phosphates increased. However, serum calcium concentration did not rise, remaining within normal during all the treatment periods. In the author's opinion, this was favoured by two factors: the lithium-induced increase in interstitial calcium absorption on the one hand and compensatory increase in PTH secretion on the other one. The decreased content of thyronines in the hemocirculation (T3, T4), a short-term elevation of TTH and calcitonin elevation in the blood and steady increase in PTH secretion were characteristic features of the time course of the hormonal parameters in patients with toxic goiter treated with lithium.
Genistein but not staurosporine can inhibit the mitogenic signal evoked by lithium in rat thyroid cells (FRTL-5).
Takano T; Takada K; Tada H; Nishiyama S; Amino N
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Osaka University Medical School, Japan.
J Endocrinol, 143(2):221-6 1994 Nov
Long-term administration of lithium is one of the well-known causes of goiter. It can stimulate DNA synthesis in rat thyroid cells (FRTL-5) treated with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). To investigate the mitogenic signal transduction system activated by lithium, lithium-induced DNA synthesis and Ca2+ influx were studied using two protein kinase inhibitors, genistein as a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor and staurosporine as a potent inhibitor of protein kinase C. Genistein but not staurosporine blocked the DNA synthesis induced by lithium in TSH-primed cells but neither compound had any effect on the Ca2+ entry stimulated by lithium. Genistein clearly attenuated the phosphotyrosine content of the 175 kDa substrate in the presence of lithium but staurosporine failed to do so. Moreover, lithium could also stimulate DNA synthesis in protein kinase C down-regulated cells. These data demonstrate that lithium may require the activation of a particular genistein-sensitive kinase, possibly a tyrosine kinase, to induce cell proliferation. It is suggested that the phorbol ester-sensitive protein kinase C family might not participate in the mitogenic signal transduction pathway activated by lithium.
Preliminary observation on the metabolism in spontaneous hereditary diabetic Chinese hamster (Shanyi colony).
Hu M; Wu Y; Wu H
Institute of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Hunan Medical University, Hunan Province, China.
Chin Med J (Engl), 110(9):711-4 1997 Sep
OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of tissue lithium content and its relationship with glucose metabolism in spontaneous hereditary diabetic Chinese hamsters (SHDCH). METHODS: Twenty diabetic and ten normal Chinese hamsters were paired and separated randomly into four groups: controls (C), diabetics (D), controls treated with lithium carbonate (CT) and diabetics treated with lithium carbonate (DT). The lithium carbonate treatment was administrated with drinking water containing lithium carbonate (0.2 mg/ml). Blood glucose levels were determined at 0, 1, 3, 5, 6th month, and insulin levels at 1, 3, 6th month. The lithium contents in liver, kidney and muscles were determined at the end of 6th month, using wet digestion assay and ICP-AES. Concentrations of fructosamine, lactic acid, GPT, BUN were also evaluated. RESULTS: The data showed that in Group D the lithium levels in hepatic tissue were lower than in Group C (P < 0.05), and lithium contents in kidney and muscle also decreased. In Group DT, the lithium contents in tissues were higher than in Group D (P < 0.05) and similar to Group C. Blood glucose levels and fructosamine concentrations decreased while insulin and lactic acid levels did not alter significantly. GPT and BUN levels did not change in both Group CT and Group DT. CONCLUSIONS: There is lithium deficiency in hepatic, renal and muscular tissues from diabetic Chinese hamsters. Low-dose and six-month-treatments of lithium carbonate can improve tissue lithium deficiency and glucose metabolism, and do not damage liver and kidney functions.
Lithium orotate in the treatment of alcoholism and related conditions.
Sartori HE
Alcohol, 3(2):97-100 1986 Mar-Apr
The subjects were 42 alcoholic patients (33 males and 9 females) who were treated with lithium orotate during an alcohol rehabilitation program in a private clinical setting for at least six months. They derive from a total number of 105 patients who received this treatment initially, while the remainder discontinued the treatment within six months. The data were collected from a private practice record and the follow-up varied between six months and 10 years. The 42 patients studied displayed a multitude of complaints in addition to chronic alcoholism. These included liver dysfunction, seizure disorders, headaches, hyperthyroidism, affective disorders. Meniere's syndrome, liver and lung cancers. Thirty-six of the 42 patients studied had been hospitalized at least once for the management of their alcoholism. Lithium orotate was given, 150 mg daily, with a diet low in simple carbohydrates and containing moderate amounts of protein and fat. In addition, calcium orotate (for hepatic involvement), magnesium orotate, bromelaine, and essential phospholipids (for cardiac problems), and supportive measures were instituted, if required. Lithium orotate proved useful as the main pharmacologic agent for the treatment of alcoholism. Ten of the patients had no relapse for over three and up to 10 years, 13 patients remained without relapse for 1 to 3 years, and the remaining 12 had relapses between 6 to 12 months. Lithium orotate therapy was safe and the adverse side effects noted were minor, i.e., eight patients developed muscle weakness, loss of appetite or mild apathy. For these patients, the symptoms subsided when the daily dose was given 4 to 5 times weekly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Thyroid hormone elevations during acute psychiatric illness: relationship to severity and distinction from hyperthyroidism.
Roca RP; Blackman MR; Ackerley MB; Harman SM; Gregerman RI
Department of Psychiatry, Francis Scott Key Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21224.
Endocr Res, 16(4):415-47 1990
Acute psychiatric illness may be accompanied by transient hyperthyroxinemia. The mechanism of this phenomenon was examined by determining the role of thyrotropin (TSH) in the genesis of this state. Serial measurements of TSH, thyroxine (T4), free T4 index (FT4I), triiodothyronine (T3), and free T3 index (FT3I) were performed in 45 acutely hospitalized patients with major psychiatric disorders. Twenty-two (49%) patients exhibited significant elevations (greater than or equal to 2 SD above mean value of controls) of one or more thyroid hormone (or index) levels. Among depressed patients with elevated FT4I, TSH was higher (p less than .05) on the day of the peak FT4I than on the day of the FT4I nadir. There were significant positive correlations between psychiatric symptom severity and levels of FT4I among both depressed (p less than .01) and schizophrenic (p less than .025) patients. These data show that elevations of T4, FT4I, T3, and FT3I are common among psychiatric inpatients, especially early in their hospitalization, and that levels of thyroid hormones are correlated with severity of psychiatric symptomatology. TSH is higher early in the acute phase of illness and is not suppressed in the face of elevated thyroid hormone levels, a finding that distinguishes this phenomenon from ordinary hyperthyroidism. Elevations of peripheral thyroid hormone levels, particularly among depressed patients, may result from a centrally-mediated hypersecretion of TSH.
The effects of lithium therapy on thyroid and thyrotropin-releasing hormone.
Lazarus JH
Department of Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK.
Thyroid, 8(10):909-13 1998 Oct
Lithium is used in the prophylaxis of bipolar depressive disorder in augmentation treatment of depression and in the therapy of some cases of unipolar depression. Lithium affects cell function via its inhibitory action on adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), and intracellular enzymes. The inhibitory effect of lithium on inositol phospholipid metabolism affects signal transduction and may account for part of the action of the cation in manic depression. Lithium also alters the in vitro response of cultured cells to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and can stimulate DNA synthesis. Lithium is concentrated by the thyroid and inhibits thyroidal iodine uptake. It also inhibits iodotyrosine coupling, alters thyroglobulin structure, and inhibits thyroid hormone secretion. The latter effect is critical to the development of hypothyroidism and goiter. Effects on brain deiodinase enzymes and alterations in thyroid hormone receptor concentration in the hypothalamus are under investigation in relation to the therapeutic effect of lithium. The ion affects many aspects of cellular and humoral immunity in vitro and in vivo. This accounts for a rise in antithyroid antibody titer in patients having these antibodies before lithium administration whereas there is no induction of thyroid antibody synthesis de novo. Goiter, due to increased thyrotropin (TSH) after inhibition of thyroid hormone release, occurs at various reported incidence rates from 0%-60% and is smooth and nontender. Subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism due to lithium is usually associated with circulating anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies but may occur in their absence. Iodine exposure, dietary goitrogens, and immunogenetic background may all contribute to the occurrence of goiter and hypothyroidism during long-term lithium therapy. It is currently unclear whether the reported association of lithium therapy and hyperthyroidism are causal, although there is suggestive epidemiological evidence. Finally, lithium therapy is associated with exaggerated response of both TSH and prolactin to TRH in 50%-100% of patients, although basal levels are not usually high. It is probable that the hypothalamic pituitary axis adjusts to a new setting in patients receiving lithium.
Inhibitory effect of lithium on the release of thyroid hormones from thyrotropin-stimulated mouse thyroids in a perifusion system.
Mori M; Tajima K; Oda Y; Matsui I; Mashita K; Tarui S
The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka University Medical School, Japan.
Endocrinology, 124(3):1365-9 1989 Mar
We studied the effect of lithium on the release of T3, T4, and cAMP from perifused mouse thyroids and on cAMP content in thyroid pieces. Lithium significantly inhibited T3 and T4 release from TSH-stimulated mouse thyroids. This inhibitory effect on thyroid hormone release was dependent on the concentration of lithium. Under continuous stimulation with TSH and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, both cAMP release and cAMP content were significantly decreased by lithium. In addition, we studied the effect of lithium on (Bu)2cAMP-stimulated thyroid hormone release. T3 and T4 release was stimulated by (Bu)2cAMP in a similar way to TSH. Lithium significantly inhibited (Bu)2 cAMP-stimulated T3 and T4 release from perifused mouse thyroids. These results suggest that lithium inhibits the action of TSH in the thyroid gland by both suppression of cAMP production and inhibition at a step beyond cAMP generation.
Influence of lithium and exercise on serum levels of copper and zinc in rats.
C´ordova A; Escanero JF
Departamento de Fisiolog´ia, Colegio Universitario de Soria, Universidad de Valladolid, Soria, Spain.
Rev Esp Fisiol, 47(2):87-90 1991 Jun
The variations in serum levels of Cu and Zn induced by exercise in rats undergoing Li therapy are determined. The results show that exercise until exhaustion leads to a reduction in the Li concentration, which is more pronounced in rats subjected to training (to 50% maximum capacity) in the week before the test. The serum levels of Zn and Cu increased significantly with exhaustion in untrained rats, while there were no significant alterations in trained rats, except for serum Zn in those not treated with Li. The modifications in serum induced by exhaustion are lower in rats treated with Li. It is likely that Li and exercise have opposite effects on the tissue distribution of the two ions studied.

        Red cell caesium, lithium and selenium in abstinent alcoholics.

Corrigan FM; Besson JA; Ward 

Argyll & Bute Hospital, Lochgilphead, U.K.

Alcohol Alcohol, 26(3):309-14 1991


Using inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometry, we have studied the red cell element concentrations of alcoholic subjects with different periods of abstinence before testing. We found consistently elevated red cell caesium concentrations and also reduced red cell selenium concentrations. These may represent persistent abnormalities in oxidation/anti-oxidation mechanisms, and red cell caesium in particular may be a long-term marker of alcohol dependence. Erythrocyte lithium, cerium and boron concentrations were also reduced in the abstinent alcoholic groups.

 Does the following study mean that lithium is involved in calcium/magnesium metabolism? 
Role of trace elements Se and Li in drinking water on dental caries experience.
Gauba K; Tewari A; Chawla HS
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Department of Dentistry, Chandigarh, India.
J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent, 11(1):15-9 1993 Mar

An epidemiological survey of dental caries using modified Moller's index (1966) carried out in 483 children (aged 7-17 years) of rural areas--Talwandi Kalan, Dhanansu and Bhatian (District Ludhiana) of Punjab with almost similar F levels in their drinking water supply, similar socio-economic status, environmental factors/demographic parameters and dietary habits revealed wide variations in the prevalence and severity of dental caries. Further investigation extended to evaluate the concentrations of various trace elements Se, Li, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn in drinking water to find out the disparity of dental caries status, revealed that the higher figures of prevalence and severity of dental caries observed in Dhanansu and Bhatian as compared to Talwandi Kalan could be attributed to the presence of Se in drinking water supply of these areas which was not detectable in the water supply of Talwandi Kalan. On the contrary, the concentration of Li in water supply of Talwandi Kalan with low caries was found to be higher compared to that of Dhanansu and Bhatian with higher dental caries in children population.

Lithium effects on calcium, magnesium and phosphate in man: effects on balance, bone mineral content, faecal and urinary excretion.
Plenge P; Rafaelsen OJ
Acta Psychiatr Scand, 66(5):361-73 1982 Nov
Calcium, magnesium and phosphate metabolism was studied in lithium-treated patients, using a metabolic balance technique. Two groups of patients participated in the study: 1) Patients who were to start on a prophylactic lithium treatment, and 2) Long-term lithium-treated patients whose treatment was to be terminated. Lithium treatment produced a positive balance in both calcium, phosphate and magnesium. By continuous lithium treatment the effect on magnesium wore off, whereas the effect on calcium and phosphate persisted. In urine, lithium induced a decrease in both calcium and phosphate excretion, whereas the excretion of magnesium was increased. Bone mineral content was measured by photon absorption, and lithium treatment resulted in a decrease in bone mineral content occurring within the first 6 months of lithium treatment. In the patients, bioavailability of the Li2CO3 preparation was found to be about 95%, and the patients contained about one 24-h dose of lithium just before the next dose of lithium was administered.
Mechanism of lithium action: in vivo and in vitro effects of alkali metals on brain superoxide dismutase.
Shukla GS
Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 26(2):235-40 1987 Feb
Intraperitoneal administration of lithium (2 mEq/kg/day) was found to increase the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in certain brain regions after 24 hours (2 injections) and 3 days (once a day) of exposure. In vitro addition of wide range of lithium (0.1 to 8 mEq) to enzyme preparation as well activated cortical SOD activity; however, at 10 mEq concentrations an inhibition was observed. The increase in SOD activity did not appear to be region specific as under both in vivo and in vitro conditions lithium enhanced enzyme activity in all the tested brain regions. The effects of intraperitoneal administration of 2 mEq/kg rubidium and cesium for 24 hr (2 injections) and 6 days (once a day) were also studied on central SOD. Both the alkali metals were not found to produce any significant alteration in the cortical enzymic activity. When the in vitro effects of these monovalent alkali metals were tested, only 2 mEq rubidium was found to increase cortical SOD; however, cesium and potassium at similar concentration did not produce any appreciable effects. It appears from the data that lithium-induced increase in brain SOD activity is not an unspecific effect of alkali metals. SOD enzyme disposes cytotoxic superoxide radicals which, if not removed, could impair the normal functioning of cellular membrane and produce a variety of psychedelic compounds as well. The activation of central SOD by lithium would enhance the disposal process of superoxide radicals whose pathological concentrations may be present in affective disorders. The mechanism of lithium-induced activation of SOD, at present, is not known.
Putative role for lithium in human hematopoiesis.
Barr RD; Koekebakker M; Brown EA; Falbo MC
J Lab Clin Med, 109(2):159-63 1987 Feb
Ingestion of lithium salts increases production of neutrophil granulocytes from the bone marrow in human subjects when the concentration of the ion in blood is within the range 5 to 10 X 10(-4) mol/L. Results of preliminary dose-response experiments appeared to indicate that nanomolar levels of lithium stimulated clonal proliferation of granulocyte precursors from normal bone marrow in vitro, suggesting the possibility that this element may contribute to the physiologic regulation of blood cell formation in humans. The present studies confirm that the influence of lithium on hematopoiesis is evident in vitro at concentrations equivalent to that demonstrable in normal blood (2 to 4 X 10(-7) mol/L). Furthermore, such effects are not cell lineage specific, being observed also in clonogenic cultures of erythroid and eosinophil granulocyte progenitor cells, and the phenomenon attributed to lithium is a property shared with rubidium and cesium salts. These findings point to a role for lithium and its elemental relatives in the biophysical mechanisms involved with the control of human blood cell production.
Effect of lithium on hepatic lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzymes under different dietary protein regimens.
Tandon A; Dhawan DK; Nagpaul JP
Department of Biochemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
J Appl Toxicol, 18(3):187-90 1998 May-Jun
Lithium in the form of lithium carbonate was administered at a dose level of 1.1 g kg(-1) food to rats fed normal (18% protein), low-protein (LP; 8%) and high-protein (HP; 30%) diets for a period of 1 month. A highly significant (53%) increase in the level of lipid peroxidation (LPO) was observed in protein-deficient rats but this increase was marginal in rats fed an HP diet (18%). Lithium treatment of rats fed a normal diet caused a marked decrease (22%) in LPO. Lithium administration to rats fed an LP diet also reduced the raised levels of LPO to the extent of 16%. Furthermore, lithium treatment normalized the HP-induced increase in the levels of LPO. The activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were reduced significantly in protein-deficient rats. On the other hand, an HP diet caused a decrease in SOD activity only. The activities of GPx and catalase were appreciably enhanced in lithium-treated rats. Lithium treatment to LP-fed rat markedly increased GPx activity and brought the decreased levels of SOD and catalase to within normal limits. Lithium administration to HP-fed rats did not cause any significant alteration in the activities of these antioxidative enzymes.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999 Feb;84(2):499-503

Comparison of radioiodine with radioiodine plus lithium in the treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism.

Bogazzi F, Bartalena L, Brogioni S, Scarcello G, Burelli A, Campomori A, Manetti L, Rossi G, Pinchera A, Martino E

Dipartimento di Endocrinologia e Metabolismo, Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Medicina del Lavoro, University of Pisa, Italy.

Effectiveness of radioiodine for Graves' hyperthyroidism depends also on its intrathyroidal persistence. The latter is enhanced by lithium by blocking iodine release from the thyroid. One hundred ten patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism were randomly assigned to treatment with radioiodine or radioiodine plus lithium, stratified according to goiter size (< or =40 or >40 mL) and evaluated for changes in thyroid function and goiter size, at monthly intervals, for 12 months. Cure of hyperthyroidism occurred in 33 of 46 patients (72%) treated with radioiodine and in 45 of 54 patients (83%) treated with radioiodine plus lithium. The probability of curing hyperthyroidism was higher and its control prompter (P = 0.02) in the radioiodine-plus-lithium group. Patients with < or =40-mL goiters had similar persistence of hyperthyroidism (13%), but lithium-treated patients had hyperthyroidism controlled earlier (P = 0.04). Among patients with >40-mL goiters, hyperthyroidism was cured in 6 of 15 patients (40%) treated with radioiodine alone and in 12 of 16 patients (75%) treated with radioiodine plus lithium (P = 0.07), and cure occurred earlier in the latter (P = 0.05). Goiters shrank in both groups (P < 0.0001), more effectively and promptly (P < 0.0005) in the radioiodine-plus-lithium group. Serum free T4 and T3 levels increased shortly after therapy only in the radioiodine group (P < 0.01). Lithium carbonate enhances the effectiveness of radioiodine therapy, in terms of prompter control of hyperthyroidism, in patients with small or large goiters. In the latter group, lithium also increases the rate of permanent control of hyperthyroidism.

Eur J Pediatr Surg 1996 Oct;6(5):301-2

Preoperative treatment of intractable hyperthyroidism with acute lithium administration.

Kauschansky A, Genel M

Department of Pediatrics, Yale University School of Medicine, Yale-New Haven Hospital, Conn., USA.

We present a 15-year-old girl with an unusual clinical course of intractable thyrotoxicosis that was resistant to thiocarbamide therapy and propranolol. Although the latter beta-adrenergic blocking agent has been used as the sole drug in the preparation of thyrotoxicosis patients for thyroidectomy, it was unsatisfactory for control of our case. In contrast, the patient's clinical response to lithium carbonate 900-1500 mg/d for 10 days was very good and no side effects were observed. This demonstrates the importance of lithium as the drug of choice in thyrotoxic emergencies and uncontrolled preoperative patients when rapid and safe inhibition of thyroid hormone secretion is required.


Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 1996 Aug;45(2):215-23

The prevalence of affective disorder and in particular of a rapid cycling of bipolar disorder in patients with abnormal thyroid function tests.

Oomen HA, Schipperijn AJ, Drexhage HA

Immunology Department Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

OBJECTIVE: Cognitive and affective functioning is sensitive to changes in thyroid hormones. We have sought to determine: (1) the prevalence of thyroid function abnormalities in a psychiatric population on admission (as compared to the prevalence in a normal population), and (2) whether such thyroid function abnormalities are associated with the occurrence or development of cognitive and affective disorders. DESIGN: Serum was collected 2-3 weeks after hospitalization in 3 major clinics from 3756 psychiatric patients in 1987-1990, stored, and assayed in 1993 for the presence of antibodies against the TSH-receptor and thyroperoxidase (TPO-Ab) and for TSH levels. The psychiatric cohort was matched with a control population of healthy individuals living in the same area (n = 1877). The prevalence study was followed by a case-control study involving patients from one clinic that had routinely assigned a DSM-IIIR classification to its patients. Cases were those admissions with thyroid abnormalities and three subgroups of cases were randomly formed demonstrating either TSH less than 0.4 mU/l (n = 44) or over 4.0 mU/l (n = 44), or TPO-Ab positivity (n = 50). Cases were compared to random controls from the same psychiatric population, viz patients without thyroid abnormalities (n = 83). Comparison was with respect to their psychiatric follow-up diagnosis (the investigator was blinded to the thyroid test results). RESULTS: Prevalence study. The percentage of patients positive for TSH-receptor-Ab was 0.26 (9/3504), for TPO-Ab was 10.0 (331/3316) and outside the TSH range of 0.4-4.0 mU/l was 10.0 ((332/3316): 5.9% (198/3316) > 4.0 mU/l and 4.1% (134/3316) < 0.4 mU/l). Abnormal total thyroxine levels were found in only 9.8% of subjects with abnormal TSH, indicating the predominantly subclinical character of the thyroid alteration. In comparison, the healthy area controls over 55 years of age showed the same prevalence of positive TPO-antibodies and TSH under 0.4 mU/l, but a higher prevalence of TSH over 4.0 mU/l. CASE-CONTROL STUDY: In the case control analysis differences could not be noticed with regard to prevalences of dementia, schizophrenia or other psychiatric illnesses apart from the prevalence of affective disorders which were more prevalent in TPO-Ab positive patients and patients with a low serum TSH. Since prior use of lithium, carbamezapine, carbimazole and/or thyroxine could be a factor of importance in this association, analyses were also carried out excluding patients with such prior drug use. In these analyses affective disorders were still more prevalent in patients with a low serum TSH (particularly in males, 40% in cases vs 9% in controls, P < 0.05). The most significant association was however between TPO-antibody positivity (and in particular with high titre and/or with TSH > 4.0 mU/l) and a subgroup of the affective disorders, viz with a rapid cycling of bipolar disorder (18% in cases vs 0% in controls, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Though causal relations cannot be determined from this cross-sectional study, this admission survey found early forms of autoimmune thyroid disease, sometimes characterized only by TPO-Abs, highly significantly associated with rapid cycles of a bipolar disorder. It also found a weak association between subclinical hyperthyroidism (low serum TSH without TPO-Ab positivity) and affective disorder.

Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 1994;54(5):353-8

[Lithium therapy and hyperthyroidism: disease caused or facilitated by lithium? Review of the literature apropos of a case of hyperthyroidism preceded by transient hypothyroidism].

[Article in French]

Sadoul JL, Kezachian B, Freychet P

Service de Medecine Interne et d'Endocrinologie (I4), Hopital Pasteur, CHU de Nice.

A case of hyperthyroidism occurring in a 68 year old man receiving lithium carbonate (1 g/day) for 5 years is reported. The clinical history of the patient, treated for bipolar affective disorder, was remarkable for transient hypothyroidism followed several months later by tremor, increased free thyroxine and triiodothyronine, and decreased TSH levels which led to lithium withdrawal. Two months later, clinical and biological signs were unchanged, Tc99m-scan displayed a homogeneous and increased isotope uptake. In this setting, high levels of autoantibodies against TSH-receptor, and grade I exophthalmos and slightly ocular muscle enlargement at CT-scan favored the diagnosis of Graves' disease (perhaps facilitated by lithium therapy). Carbimazole treatment was effective in controlling hyperthyroidism. Review of the literature disclosed 44 cases of hyperthyroidism occurring in lithium-treated patients. Most of these cases concerned specific thyroid diseases, particularly with an autoimmune mechanism. There is also evidence for an actual role of lithium in increasing intrathyroid iodide pool and for an impact of lithium on the immune system. Thus, the hypothesis that lithium may trigger the development of an autoimmune thyroid disease in predisposed patients deserves further investigation.

Can J Psychiatry 1993 Dec;38(10):635-7

Regression of thyrotoxic ophthalmopathy following lithium withdrawal.

Byrne AP, Delaney WJ

Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta, Edmonton.

The case of a bipolar patient who developed thyrotoxicosis with severe exophthalmos while on lithium therapy is described. The patient had required two surgical decompressions of the right orbit to relieve pressure, which occurred secondary to progression of the exophthalmos, and was scheduled for further surgery. Lithium therapy was discontinued because of poor compliance to the medication and intolerable polyuria. The exophthalmos improved dramatically within 72 hours of the withdrawal of lithium. A severe form of exophthalmos resulting from lithium therapy has not been described in the literature. The case described here adds to the body of information about the possible causes of thyrotoxic ophthalmopathy.

Nephron 1993;64(1):37-41

Decreased lithium clearance in patients with hyperthyroidism.

Owada A, Tomita K, Ujiie K, Akiba T, Marumo F

Second Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan.

Lithium clearance was studied to investigate proximal tubular function in patients with hyperthyroidism (n = 10) and control subjects (n = 7). Patients with hyperthyroidism showed significantly reduced fractional excretion of lithium (FELi) compared with control subjects (15.0 +/- 1.5%, n = 10, vs. 23.7 +/- 0.6%, n = 7, means +/- SE, p < 0.001). The reduced FELi of the hyperthyroid state was reversed toward control values with treatment by antithyroid drugs (12.6 +/- 2.6 toward 26.8 +/- 2.5% for 5 patients, means +/- SE). Tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TRP) was significantly increased in hyperthyroid patients compared with control subjects (96.1 +/- 0.7 vs. 87.5 +/- 0.7%, p < 0.001), and it returned to control values after the treatment. Our data demonstrate that lithium clearance is decreased and TRP is increased in patients with hyperthyroidism, which suggests that proximal tubular reabsorption of sodium and TRP is increased in hyperthyroidism.

Am J Med 1997 May;102(5):454-8

Lithium treatment in amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis.

Dickstein G, Shechner C, Adawi F, Kaplan J, Baron E, Ish-Shalom S

Division of Endocrinology, Haifa Medical Center, Bnai Zion, Haifa, Israel.

PURPOSE: Amiodarone hydrochloride is an iodine-rich drug effective in the control of various tachyarrhythmias. It is known to cause refractory to thyrotoxicosis, which usually does not respond to regular antithyroid drugs. Lithium bicarbonate is a medication used to treat psychiatric disorders; it also influences thyroid production and release of hormones. We tried it in combination with propylthiouracil (PTU) for the treatment of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-one patients were studied. The first group (n = 5) was treated by amiodarone withdrawal only. The second group (n = 7) received PTU (300 to 600 mg), and the third (n = 9) PTU (300 mg) and lithium (900 to 1350 mg) daily. Patient selection was not randomized. The PTU + lithium group had more severe symptoms and signs of thyrotoxicosis, as well as thyroxine levels at least 50% above the upper limit of normal. They also had been on a longer course of amiodarone treatment (34.3 +/- 11.9 months) than the PTU-only (11.4 +/- 7.5) and the no-treatment (7.8 +/- 4.2) groups. RESULTS: While there was no difference between the first two groups in time until recovery (10.6 +/- 4.0 versus 11.6 +/- 0.5 weeks, respectively), the group receiving lithium normalized their thyroid function tests in only 4.3 +/- 0.5 weeks (P < 0.01 versus both other groups). T3 levels normalized even earlier-by 3 weeks of lithium treatment. No adverse effects of lithium were encountered, and the medication was stopped 4 to 6 weeks after achieving a normal clinical and biochemical state. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that lithium is a useful and safe medication for treatment of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis caused by amiodarone. We would reserve this treatment for severe cases only. Further studies are needed to find out whether in patients with this troublesome complication lithium therapy could permit continuation of amiodarone treatment.

Does the following study imply that sodium is high in hypers, but lithium low? This would account for low Li-Na CTT values and perhaps lower influx of copper. In other words, an excess of sodium is causing a decrease in lithium. 

Korean J Intern Med 1989 Jan;4(1):18-27

Red cell sodium and ionic fluxes in patients with hyper- and hypothyroidism.

Yoon YS, Hong KS, Cha BY, Kim YW, Lee KW, Son HY, Kang SK, Bang BK, Moon HR

To investigate the status of the Na+ concentrations [Na+]i, K+ concentrations [K+]i and ionic fluxes in red cells of human subjects with abnormal thyroid function, we measured the Na(+)-K+ pump activity as well as Na(+)-K+ cotransport (CoT), Na(+)-Li+ countertransport (CTT) and Na+ passive permeability in erythrocytes of 37 normal subjects, 19 untreated hyperthyroid patients, 12 treated hyperthyroid patients and 9 hypothyroid patients with T4 replacement. The mean [Na+]i value in the untreated hyperthyroidism group was significantly higher than that in the normal subjects (p less than .05), but not significantly different from that in the treated hyperthyroidism group. The mean [Na+]i value in the hypothyroidism with T4 replacement group, however, was significantly lower than that in the normal group (p less than .01). We did not find any significant difference of [K+]i in comparing each group. It was found that the Na(+)-K+ pump activity in erythrocytes was significantly increased in untreated hyperthyroidism (mean; 23.4% above control, p less than 10(-5], but there was no significant difference in treated hyperthyroidism and hypothyroid patients with T4 replacement. The rate constant for ouabain-sensitive Na+ efflux in the hypothyroidism with T4 replacement group was markedly higher than that in normal subjects (p less than .01), but not significantly different in the untreated hyperthyroidism group. We observed a significant increase of the Na+ CoT value in the patients with untreated hyperthyroidism as compared with that of the normal subjects (p less than .05), but there was no significant difference in the patients treated for hyperthyroidism and the hypothyroidism with T4 replacement group. However, the rate constant for Na(+)-CoT in the patients with hypothyroidism with T4 replacement was significantly higher than that in normal subjects (p less than .05). We observed a marked decrease of Na(+)-Li+CTT value in the patients with untreated hyperthyroidism versus that in the normal group (p less than .01). Passive Na+ permeability in the patients with untreated hyperthyroidism was markedly increased (p less than .05), and was markedly decreased in the patients with hypothyroidism with T4 replacement compared to normal subjects (p less than .01). It can be concluded from these studies that an increase in Na(+)-K+ pump activity in the patients untreated for hyperthyroidism might then be regarded as a secondary adaptive cellular response to higher [Na+]i values due to enhanced passive Na+ permeability, rather than a direct effect of the thyroid hormone.

Clin Physiol Biochem 1986;4(3):199-209

Intracellular sodium concentration and transport in red cells in essential hypertension, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy and hypokalemia.

Gless KH, Sutterlin U, Schaz K, Schutz V, Hunstein W

Intracellular sodium content ([Nai]), ouabain-sensitive ('Na-K ATPase') and ouabain-insensitive ('passive permeability') sodium efflux, Na-K cotransport and Na-Li ('Na-Na') countertransport were estimated in erythrocytes in 39 control subjects, 20 patients with essential hypertension, 14 patients with hypokalemia of renal or unknown etiology, 13 hyperthyroid patients and 19 pregnant women. In normokalemic essential hypertension there was only a moderate, but significant elevation of the activity of the Na-Li countertransport system. In the group of patients with hypokalemia, there was a significant increase of [Nai], ouabain-insensitive sodium efflux and Na-Li countertransport. In hyperthyroidism, a marked decrease of Na-Li countertransport was associated with a marked elevation of [Nai], in pregnancy an elevation of the Na-Li countertransport with a [Nai] 43% lower than the control values. The ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux was elevated in hyperthyroidism and hypokalemia, in which [Nai] was increased. In the control subjects there was a positive linear correlation between ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux and [Nai]. The sodium component of the Na-K cotransport was decreased to about one third of the unchanged furosemide-sensitive potassium component during pregnancy. Conclusions: The changes of cellular sodium metabolism in essential hypertension are of minor degree as compared to those in the other conditions studied. Cellular sodium metabolism in blood cells is influenced by thyroid hormones and metabolic disorders. Na-Li countertransport, i.e. Na-Na countertransport, seems to be involved in the regulation of [Nai]: an increase of its activity diminishes [Nai] (pregnancy); a decrease elevates [Nai] (hyperthyroidism). Ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux, i.e. 'Na-K ATPase', is mainly regulated by its substrate, [Nai].


Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 1998 Oct;25(10):795-9 s

Acute lithium administration impairs the action of parathyroid hormone on rat renal calcium, magnesium and phosphate transport.

Carney S, Jackson P

Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.

1. Chronic lithium (Li+) treatment commonly produces a state of hyperparathyroidism in humans and rat although the mechanism is unknown. 2. The present study evaluated the acute effect of Li+ on renal electrolyte transport, particularly Ca2+ and Mg2+ in thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) and intact rats. 3. The acute administration of Li+ significantly increased water, sodium, potassium and phosphate excretion in both TPTX and intact animals; however, Ca2+ and Mg2+ excretion was only increased in the intact group. Fractional excretion (FE) of Ca2+ and Mg2+ increased from 2.2 +/- 0.2 to 3.5 +/- 0.3% and 12 +/- 2 to 18 +/- 2%, respectively (P < 0.01). 4. In further experiments in TPTX rats, Li+ administration inhibited the usual reduction in urine Ca2+ and Mg2+ excretion following parathyroid hormone (PTH) administration and inhibited the phosphaturia. However, supramaximal concentrations of PTH overcame this inhibitory effect. For example, an FECa of 3.8 +/- 0.2% was reduced to 1.4 +/- 0.2% and 1.7 +/- 0.2% with maximal and supramaximal PTH concentrations, respectively, while in the presence of Li+ an FECa of 4.0 +/- 0.2 was decreased to 2.8 +/- 0.2 and then 1.9 +/- 0.3% with the same PTH concentrations. 5. The inhibitory effect of Li+ was reduced with a lower plasma Li+ concentration (0.7 +/- 0.2 vs 1.6-1.8 mmol/L). The FEMg results were comparable. 6. These results demonstrate that Li+ directly inhibits PTH-mediated renal reabsorption of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and also blunts PTH-mediated phosphaturia. Therefore, the hyperparathyroidism in humans following Li+ treatment may be a consequence of reduced renal Ca2+ reabsorption.

From a group letter: Dear John,

I believe your approach to the immune system correcting itself is our best bet from my own experience and a thought, depressive patients put on lithium run the risk of low thyroid and should be tested while taking lithium.

In previous posts I mentioned my ER reaction to a drug called Fosomax for osteoporosis. My symptoms were like that of a serious thyroid storm, but the blood test indicated a normal TSH level during this attack. This drug is a type sodium and I swear I felt like I was choking to death from salt, I drank gallons of water feeling as if it were necessary to stay alive. No one knows what happened to me medically speaking. I was then put on Paxil to render the attacks they thought to be panic, but I know better and panic attacks don't turn your eyes blood red, raise your BP 50points, Pulse 35points, skin rash, etc. for 5 to 8 hours. It would begin after I would eat, anything with a sodium content over 100mg. would set it off! I have never been so scared, I have been off of Paxil now for 2 months with no problems so far.

Sheri Lynn