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Cobalt is a relatively rare magnetic element with properties similar to iron and nickel. The two valance states are cobaltous (II) and cobaltic (III) and the former is the most common valance used in the chemical industry. Cobalt occurs in nature primarily as arsenides, oxides, and sulfides. Most of the production of cobalt involves the metallic form used in the formation of cobalt superalloys. The term "hard metal" refers to compounds containing tungsten carbide (80-95%) combined with matrices formed from cobalt (5-20%) and nickel (0-5%). For the general population, the diet is the main source of exposure to cobalt. In the occupational setting, exposure to cobalt alone occurs primarily during the production of cobalt powders. In other industrial exposures (e.g., hard metal, diamond polishing), additional agents (tungsten) modulate the toxicity of cobalt. Cobalt is an essential element necessary for the formation of vitamin B12 (hydroxocobalamin); however, excessive administration of this trace element produces goiter and reduced thyroid activity. In 1966, the syndrome "beer drinker's cardiomyopathy" appeared in Quebec City, Canada, and was characterized by pericardial effusion, elevated hemoglobin concentrations, and congestive heart failure. An interstitial pulmonary fibrosis has been associated with industrial exposure to hard metal dust (tungsten and cobalt), but not to cobalt alone. Exposure to cobalt alone produces an allergic contact dermatitis and occupational asthma. Treatment of cobalt toxicity is primarily supportive.cobalt--high amounts can cause goiter and hypoT.doc

This paper provides a short overview of cobalt-related diseases with particular reference to the potential carcinogenicity of cobalt compounds, and a review of a 10-year surveillance programme on plate painters exposed to cobalt in two Danish porcelain factories. Clinical experience and epidemiological studies have demonstrated that cobalt exposure may lead to severely impaired lung function, i.e. hard metal lung disease and occupational cobalt-related asthma, contact dermatitis and cardiovascular effects. However, the evidence for the carcinogenicity of cobalt and cobalt compounds is considered inadequate (IARC, 1991). Most frequently, exposure to cobalt occurs simultaneously with exposure to other elements known to pose a health risk, (e.g. nickel, arsenic, chromium, tungsten). The importance of cobalt as sole causal agent in hard metal lung diseases, cardiomyopathy and cancer are still a matter of controversy. In the two Danish porcelain factories, cobalt blue underglaze dyes have been used since 1888. In contrast to the exposure experience of hard metal factories, the exposure of plate painters occurs with only low trace levels of other potentially harmful compounds such as the carcinogenic metals nickel, arsenic and chromium. Consequently, the nearly-pure cobalt exposure makes the plate painters an attractive group for studies on the health effects of cobalt. During the period 1982-1992 the surveillance programme showed a profound reduction in the urine level of cobalt (Co-U) from 100-fold to 10-fold above the median level of the unexposed control subjects. In the same period, the airborne cobalt exposure declined from 1356 nmol/m3 to 454 nmol/m3, the Danish occupational exposure limit being 845 nmol/m3. In 1982, when the cobalt exposure was above the occupational exposure limit, the plate painters showed a chronic impaired lung function. The obstructive effects may be similar to some of the effects observed in hard metal workers. In 1988, a study on the effect of cobalt exposure at low levels revealed no inhibitory effects on thyroid function, but the ratio between T4 and T3 increased, indicating that low cobalt exposure may have an impact on the metabolism of thyroid hormones. Parallel studies were conducted on the metabolism and excretion of cobalt. The gastrointestinal uptake of soluble CoCl was considerably higher than the uptake of insoluble cobalt(II) oxide. In addition, it was demonstrated that ingestion of controlled amounts of the soluble cobalt compound resulted in significantly higher concentrations of cobalt in urine and blood (Co-B) from females compared with males (P < 0.01). Future studies will involve epidemiology and genotoxicity to evaluate the previous and present cancer risk, and detailed process-related exposure assessment studies to select the methods most reliable for surveillance of low-dose cobalt exposure.cobalt--danish pottery worker differences.doc

This study was conducted to investigate the physiological consequences of long-term moderate cobalt deficiency in beef cattle, which have not hitherto been studied in detail. Cobalt deficiency was induced in cattle by feeding two groups of animals either a basal corn silage-based diet that was moderately low in cobalt (83 micrograms Co/kg), or the same diet supplemented with cobalt to a total of 200 micrograms per kg, for 43 weeks. Cobalt deficiency was induced, as judged by inappetance, diminished growth gain and a markedly reduced vitamin B12 status in serum and liver. The long-term cobalt deprivation which was primarily a combination of reduced feed intake and a tissue vitamin B12 deficiency did not show evidence of a significant dysfunction of energy metabolism. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase in liver remained unaffected by cobalt deficiency, nor was there a significant change in serum glucose level of cattle on the cobalt-deprived diet. However, analysis of thyroid hormone status indicated a slight reduction of type I thyroxine monodeiodinase activity in liver accompanied by a significant reduction of the triiodothyronine level in serum. The diminished liver vitamin B12 level resulted in significantly reduced folate level in this tissue, reduced concentrations of heme-depending blood parameters. Moreover cobalt deficiency or rather vitamin B12 deficiency was accompanied by a dramatic accumulation of the trace elements iron and nickel in liver. These results indicate that long-term moderate cobalt deficiency may induce a number of physiological changes in cattle, but a follow-up study, which excluded different feed levels by including a pair-fed control group, will be necessary to actually obtain the single effect of cobalt deficiency in cattle.cobalt deficiency effects.doc